Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fastest Growing White-Collar Crime

The FBI has called identity theft the fastest growing white-collar crime. White-collar crime usually indicates that the criminal behavior is coming from someone of respectability or higher social status. In reality though, identity theft doesn't require the skills of a genius socialite; all it takes to victimize a vulnerable party is a few key pieces of information and a little boldness.

On the other hand, criminals aren't just targeting ordinary people in the community. Famous folks, targets of respectability and higher social status, have been the focus of fraudsters as well. A New York man was arrested a few years ago under suspicion of stealing many identities, among them Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey and Ted Turner.

It may be surprising that the rich and famous can be impersonated along with everyday Joes, but thieves don't need to be professional actors. Much can be done under the cover of anonymity. All that is really required is an Internet connection.

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